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Dr. Horrible Wallpaper

I apologize if some of the stuff I’m posting here is now are things you guys have seen before; I really just want to get a record on here of the work I’ve done recently. I promise you, new work is coming soon!

Today I’m going to talk about the Dr. Horrible wallpaper I made in March and posted a video of on my YouTube channel. It was over spring break and I was being nostaligic looking at old posts of this blending site I used to go on, so I decided to create some fanart for the first time in a long time. It was nice to just go crazy in Photoshop without worrying about a critique in class or having to be sure to put in all the necessary information from some complicated assignment. Overall, it took about 2 hours, and while there are definitely things I could go back and change, I’m still fairly happy with how it came out. The typeface used is AkzidenzGrotesk.

The video:

The wallpaper: Click here