Today I have some DIY ideas for you to do this summer when you’re bored! These are all really simple, but they’ll each take quite a while to finish, so you can cure your summer boredom and feel like you’re being productive! Keep reading to check out the projects.
Our first project is these paper triangle magnets! These are so fun to rearrange into different patterns, and you can make tons of them in a day!
A while back, I was bored so I decided to make a bunch of Perler Bead key chains, and when I posted a photo, you guys wanted to know how I did it! It’s actually super easy!
This project took FOREVER, but I love how it came out! It’s a cute little rug made out of pom poms that you can make yourself out of yarn!
And finally, I made these tassels out of duct tape! I think they’re so cute, and the bright colors of the tape make the perfect summertime decoration!
Thank you guys so much for reading, and be sure to check out the full video if you scrolled past it earlier!