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Harry Potter Photoshoot

My Digital Photo class is over now, so I’m going to be posting up some of the stuff I’ve been working on. All these photos were taken with a Nikon D3000. My final project was based on a photo series by Abe Morell in which he reconstructed scenes from Alice in Wonderland using cutouts of illustrations from the book and miniature props. For a previous assignment, we had to recreate a famous photograph, so you can see my recreation of one of Abe Morell’s photos here (his is on the left):

Next, for the final, I decided to take photos in the same style except with Harry Potter and Mary GrandPre’s illustrations. The photos ended up very dark and moody, since I wanted to emphasize shadows and the dark themes in the books. I made them very high-contrast, and they were all lit with just an LED flashlight (most had very long shutter speeds). I also played with moving things in front of the camera while the shutter was open, such as in the Ravenclaw ghost photo and the crazy light effect in the prophecy photo. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments!