Well, this is a little bittersweet to write, but all good things have to come to an end. I have made the difficult decision to stop making DIY videos for HGTV Handmade, in order to focus solely on my puzzle channel Karen Puzzles.
That means that this will be my final blog post, and eventually I will be updating this site to be more puzzle-focused. However, I will still keep this blog as an archive somewhere, and I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me in my crafting. I don’t think this blog still has any sort of regular readership, and I mainly kept it just to have an archive of all of my projects for myself, but if you are out there, thank you for reading and watching my videos.
Speaking of videos, I put up two videos today – one final one on my original YouTube channel talking about why I decided it was the time to move on from DIY, and one on HGTV Handmade talking about my best memories from my 8 years (!!!) making videos on that channel. I’ll put more photos of the collage that I made in that video at the end of the post if you want to take a closer look.
Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you over on the puzzle channel!