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DIY Blood Drip Necklace – Halloween 2016

Today on HGTV Handmade, I’m showing you how to make this easy Blood Drip Necklace! Fun fact about this project – I had originally done a different DIY and shot the entire video before I decided that I wasn’t happy with it, and decided to scrap the entire thing. So I quickly put together this project, which is literally so easy that you can make it in less than an hour (including drying time). Keep reading to learn how to make it!

The real trick to this project is red hot glue sticks. I love colored hot glue gun sticks, and I have two more Halloween projects that use them that are going up on my main channel this Friday and next Friday!

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I also made these “slime” chokers, which are definitely not your average piece of jewelry!

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Really quick project today, but it is perfect to add a little creepy touch to your outfit if you don’t want to go all out with a full costume. If you missed Monday’s DIY, I showed you how to make 3 Chalkboard Pumpkins, and stay tuned on Friday for even more Halloween ideas!